June 30, 2023 State Board of Education School Construction Committee Meeting

 The State Board School Construction Committee met once again on June 30.  A members of the Valley Unified Administration and the MSAD33 board of directors attended via Zoom.  During that meeting the fact considerations and summary of findings were discussed regarding the MSAD33 and RSU 1 fires.  A copy of those considerations and summary of findings linked attached below.  

After much discussion about the school construction debt ceiling, pending legislation regarding additional construction funding, and the timing of the next school construction rating cycle, the school construction chair made a recommendation to move forward the timeline for establishing a new rating cycle.  (The current State Board of Education strategic plan has the next rating cycle going into effect for 2025-26.)

Yesterday, the State Board of Education met and voted unanimously to approve the following recommendation: "The School Construction Committee recommends that the State Board of Education work with the Department of Education in moving forward the timeline by at least six months for establishing a new rating cycle for the Major Capital School Construction Program."

Although this pushes our efforts back somewhat, depending on when the new rating cycle is established, it does provide us with an opportunity to apply for both DLES and WMHS to go on the next rating cycle as one comprehensive school rather than reconstructing DLES on it's own, then applying for Wisdom several years later as an add on project.  

The MSAD33 Board of Directors will continue to discuss this further during their next board meeting to be held on Monday, August 21, beginning at 6:00pm at SJVTC.   

Click here or the image above to view the June 30 School Construction Committee Draft Minutes.
